Last week JJ and I headed to Destin for South Walton Fashion Week (SWFW). Which maybe sounds like - naturally, you write a fashion blog - fashion week makes sense. But I hardly ever attend fashion events. I am such an outdoors girl and will pretty much always choose anything on the water over fashion. Having visited the Destin area twice before though, I had a feeling this particular fashion week would be more my speed - and it was, in so many ways. Nothing about it was stuffy or snobby. I met so many amazing people - local and national fashion designers, bloggers and media. All of the shows were super inspiring, like art walking the runway. And we were surrounded by the most gorgeous beaches and water you've ever seen! I was on the panel of judges to chose an Emerging Designer (the winner received a cash prize and magazine spread) and my initial reason for being there: a style seminar I did in conjunction with Silver Sands Premium Outlets. (A funny, uplifting program I give that's full of tips for making getting dressed easier and more fun.)
I came away inspired, recharged and encouraged. My participation in fashion week was compensated, however, this is NOT a sponsored post. I had a great time and wanted to share the gem that is SWFW (anyone can attend), as well as some photos - aka outfits from blog posts in their natural habitat, out in the wild. And I want to say thanks to the entire team at SWFW for having me!
What's your outlook on fashion events - love to attend or mostly pass?
Outfit details: 1. Lavender dress, 2. Black floral, 3. White blazer, 4. Pink and orange, 5. Red dress
(I also wore this and this, and the striped pants here.)

Photo Credit: Shelly Swanger

Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa
via : http://jseverydayfashion.com