Thursday, May 25, 2017

  thredUP closet clean out   thredUP closet clean out

I am continually pruning my wardrobe using what I call a two-closet system. Whenever something in my closet feels questionable, I move it to a second closet in a spare room. I allow those items to marinate there for a bit, and a couple times a year I purge. If I have totally forgotten about that particular item’s existence, then I know it’s time to let it go! (And when I still can't decide, I use this handy quiz.)

This next part is complicated for me, because where should my clothes go from there?! I mostly shop budget brands but some higher end items could probably get a good amount of coin on an auction site. Which sounds nice in theory, but when am I actually going to have time to photograph it, write a description, collect payment and then drive to the post office? (I’ve done this before and it can take a full day of work just to sell a few things.) So the items sit there, waiting for the day I have time to sell them.

Another scenario - I take a stack to a local consignment shop, but they only want a specific aesthetic and brands, so I go home with a good amount of clothing still in the bag. Or, I gather up some items and take it to charity drop-off, only to read later that much of the clothing people donate actually winds up in a landfill. (Wouldn’t it be better if it just stayed marinating in my closet at that point?!)

This is where thredUP’s Clean Out Kit comes in. It’s the perfect solution.

thredUP closet clean out

thredUP is very clear from the start: their Clean Out Kits are not a great way to get rich. (This is not an auction site people!) And unlike auction sites, it’s so easy - they do absolutely all of the work for you! Just go here and order your Clean Out Kit. There’s a $5 charge, which will be paid back when they send you a check or give you store credit for your clothes. The Kit arrives in a cute polka dot envelope. You fill the bag, seal it and stick it in the mail with the prepaid postage. That’s it!

It took all of 5 minutes to fill my thredUP bag to the brim with brand-name clothing that still has lots of life left in it. (Check out their list of accepted brands.) I opted to have whatever they don’t take donated, rather than having it sent back to me. And unlike charity centers, thredUP guarantees your items will never wind up in the landfill. I don’t expect much of a pay out from my bag in terms of cash money but I still feel like I’m winning because:

thredUP closet clean out
  1. My "second" closet is looking nice and empty now, which feels awesome.
  2. My clothing deserves a good home where it can be worn and appreciated. (Of course, the ultimate goal is to buy items you can commit to loving long term, but let’s just say I have not mastered this yet completely, plus some clothing items don’t fit anymore, and some styles I feel I have aged out of and are better suited for someone younger).
  3. I know thredUP will never send my clothes to the landfill. (HUGE relief. Love this so much!)
  4.  Even if they only send me $10, that’s $10 I didn’t have before.

If this sounds like something that would make your day (and help you find a good home for all those lonely clothes hanging in your closet), then head over to thredUP and order your Clean Out Kit. And enjoy feeling awesome that you accomplished a whole lot in no time flat!

  thredUP closet clean out  

ps. thredUP is also a bangin’ place to buy secondhand clothing (see deals I’ve scored herehere).
pps. Don’t let Bella's grumpy face fool you, dogs love thredUP too!

thredUP closet clean out

Today’s post is brought to you by thredUP. All opinions and editorial decisions are my own. 

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