We need to have a long overdue chat, you guys! I made a major life change and did not properly discuss with you. (where are my manners? please forgive me!) The truth is, I’m not sure when I made the decision to quit blogging full-time - it unfolded rather slowly. It started as an itch - the feeling of “there’s something more” - years ago. I ignored it, naturally, because to not ignore it - to dream for something bigger, when life had already presented me with such an amazing, mind-blowing journey with J’s Everyday Fashion - felt ungrateful, too ambitious, too scary. But this itch, this voice, only got louder and louder until I found myself pretty much miserable a couple years ago - something HAD to change. Joshua and I brainstormed “what to do next” (he’s been working with me on the blog full-time since we got married in 2015) and we agreed that he was going to open a photo studio, while I kept blogging, at least for the time-being.
Fast forward and we opened Wall Crawl in downtown Orlando two months ago! Which is nothing even close to resembling our original plan. I blame the itch. When I gave myself permission to dream - when I listened to stories from other women who are multi-hyphenates, who have had many successful careers and roles, I said “you know what, why NOT me?” And that little invitation is all it took for the voice to become a full-blown roar - including the idea of Wall Crawl, a 4,500 square foot photo studio and event space with 20+ backdrops that change seasonally, which thankfully Joshua was just as excited about as I was. (Our skillsets are the ultimate match - I have crazy ideas, and he knows how to problem-solve and make them a reality!)
Beyond Wall Crawl - I’ve got some exciting news about my ethical clothing line Eden & Ivy I can’t wait to share soon, as well as a third project I’ve been dropping hints about for awhile. In other words - YES! I can do all the things. I can pick up a paint brush even though I’ve never painted a wall and create a mural. I can style backdrops even though I don’t have any experience in interior design or crafting (but know what I want in a photo!). I can design a clothing line. I can write new-to-me genres like fiction and poetry - because, anyone, ANYone can!! You, my dear friends who are reading this, are no different. You are not just one thing. You are not limited to just one role. No age is too old to start a second, third, or fourteenth career. Finding your untapped passion and talent (trust me, you have some!) is one of the most thrilling things in life - whether it’s planting a beautiful garden and watching it bloom, opening a business, or painting a wall. I would’ve said 9 years ago when I started blogging, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body,” but is it really our lack of creativity that holds us back, or simply our beliefs about it?
So yes - blogging is not my full-time gig anymore. Wall Crawl and Eden & Ivy and this other project are all my new babies which are getting a lot of my time and love, too. But one thing I want you to know is that YOU - yes YOU - made all of it possible. Especially Wall Crawl - because you shopping and reading for the past 9 years funded the entire project (how insane is that?!). Every time someone walks in the door and gasps, shrieks, or laughs (and they typically do), I get tears in my eyes. It’s such an amazing feeling to have a space that makes people HAPPY - and YOU DID THAT! So Wall Crawl is your baby, too.
I’m not going anywhere, there will always be blog posts and there will always be outfits, but if I’m not around as much anymore, you know why. Thanks for your patience with me this year as I took time off to build Wall Crawl - and thank you for your support over the last (nearly) decade - you made it all possible! For that, I am eternally grateful!!
Sweater: Forever 21, $23
Skirt: H&M, $25
Sneakers: Adidas/Kohl’s, $52 (similar)
Earrings: Jane, $5 (similar)
Purse: Old Navy, $30 (similar, similar)
Approx. dates: Shoes are 3 years ago. Earrings, purse are last year. Skirt is recent. Sweater is new.

via : http://jseverydayfashion.com