Style Theory: The one piece of clothing I have been reaching for again and again this season is the floral dress. Easy to wear and style, it no longer has the 'mumsy' or 'frumpy' label, with the right boots and a biker or puffer jacket the floral dress can look elegant and edgy..
Here are the best floral dresses on the high street at the moment..
This is the most beautiful dress on, really flattering, covers the top of the arms and I adore the high neck, definitely one on my shopping list. Wear with black sock boots and a biker jacket for a very SS17 look.
Love the asymmetrical hem of this dress, it is so flattering on legs and slightly shorter people like me! I would clash it up and wear with red boots and red lipstick.
I really like the short version if the dress too, with black opaque tights and knee high either black or tan block heeled boots..perfection.
All my favourite colours, I love the touches of red, pink and tan..match with any of these colours of boots.
This dress looks super cute on, it would look great with tan knee high boots, very 70s, very cool.
Love the check and the floral combination this dress ticks two trends in one.
This dress looks great with the red sock boots, throw a tux jacket over the top for a fab going out look..
Very cute dress, it would look perfect with black opaque tights and ballet pumps.
I have had my eye on this dress since it arrived, it looks beautiful on and I would pair it with trainers or chunky boots to give it an edge.
This is the dress I saw on streetstylers time and time again at fashion week, it looks as beautiful with trainers as it does with heels or over ankle length skinny jeans. It is a splurge piece but definitely a timeless dress.
Olivia Rubin is the queen of the floral dress this season, her prints are beautiful, the colours always perfectly autumnal.
With red boots this dress would look stunning.
Floral dresses rule at the moment, they are so easy to wear you just need to pair them with trainers or ankle boots, either a tux jacket for a smart look or go for a short puffer jacket or a biker jacket for daytime...easy, comfortable and looks ladylike with a stylish twist.
Are you a fan of the floral dress, which ones have you bought, as always I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions, until the next time Fran xx
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